Friday, April 17, 2009

Dream Big and Aim High.... you just might get there.

How often do we hear and witness the media deliver 'breaking news' which is often bad, depressing, of poor value, or anxiety driven in nature? It's the unfortunate tragedy, doom & gloom, and sex sells rut our world is sadly in.

But then, there is the occassional breath of fresh air that passes through. That event that brings hope and warm fuzzies to countless people around the world who long for a hint of inspiration and encouragement for those hidden dreams buried deep inside themselves. A living testimony that great things do indeed still happen to regular people like you and me.

That is exactly what Susan Boyles did. A 47 year old, single, never been kissed, unemployeed, humble, yet humorous scottish woman. She took a leap of faith, and in one event, touched the hearts of thousands and thousands of people around the globe. An event that will change her life forever. See for yourself right here....

If you struggle to find the courage to take some leap of faith yourself, I hereby encourage you to try. You'll never know until you do. Now understandably, not all of us will shine in front of Simon Cowell and the American Idol crew, but you never know what God will do in His own unique way. Like the saying goes, "you can't walk on water unless you get out of the boat!"

Be blessed!,
shana ;)

Listen to Susan's interview with America's Newsroom Hosts, Bill Hemmer and Megyn Kelly on Fox News Channel.